Boost sales for Zomato
The restaurant industry needed to reinvent itself with the pandemic and Zomato was no different.
A new app updated with features that not only met the needs of users, but also strengthened their loyalty.

UX e UI Design
Website and APP
New Feature Design
The restaurant sector was highly impacted by the consequences of Covid-19 and Zomato, being one of the most important platforms to collect information about this sector, realized the relevance and need to enter new markets through a key feature: the home delivery option, which led to the creation of this new feature.
With a powerful user community and a huge variety of partners, the need to upgrade their services was no surprise. We promptly responded to this challenge and helped Zomato redesign their existing application, focusing on the needs of the European/Portuguese market.
This process was done in strict co-creation with the Zomato team, and is guaranteed to turn the app into one of the biggest references in the European market.
How can app users be more engaged and aware of your features and offerings?
How can we improve the quality of the app’s content to meet the user’s needs while making it attractive in such a competitive market?
— Getting to know Zomato
We started by analyzing the business model in order to understand the whole brand, its operation and business organization. This analysis allowed us to clearly identify the main goals and the basic premises for all the design work of the new app.
— Mapping customer needs
Through interviews with customers and field observations, we conducted an analysis to gain a deeper understanding of their pains and needs. With the insights, we were able to identify what role the new app should play and the type of experience that should be created.

“Zomato was the first restaurant search service I used, and it was pretty instrumental in finding new places I didn’t even know existed.”
Analysis and understanding — looking inside Zomato’s core to understand how it works, how it’s organized and what its culture is like.
User research — getting to know them and understanding what’s important to them through interviews, observation, immersion, inspiration.
Design Thinking/Ideation:
– User interviews (end users and partners).
– Ideation workshops with stakeholders
– Light Decision Jam
– Identify the user context
– UX Design (structure and architecture, task-flow and user journeys)
– UI Design (design of all the elements that make up the look and feel of the app)
– Prototyping
– User Research
“For me, Zomato is much more accurate when it comes to ratings.”
Jobs to be done
Did you know that we had a total of 105 ideas and 578 insights resulting from our workshops?
Improve app communication
Show users what the app has to offer
Improve the quality of content, navigation and interactivity
Reconnect users with the brand
What did they gain from us?
Through insights, we were able to identify what role the new app should have and the type of experience that should be created.
A new app updated with features that not only met the users’ needs, but also strengthened their loyalty, boosting the brand’s sales.
— Prioritization of the features most valued by users
— Improvement of the app’s communication, as well as its content and interactivity
— Redesign with new features that meet the users’ needs.
— Solidify the restaurant sector by remaining a reference in innovation
— Reconnecting users to the brand
New users to reach
Registered Users
Retention rate
Jerónimo Martins
Business consulting , Experience Design
Altice M.A.S.T.E.R.S
Business consulting , Experience Design